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First Kavli Prizes to be awarded Tuesday, 9 September, presented by Norway’s Crown Prince Haakon Magnus
2008-09-05  【 】【打印】【关闭

Seven pioneering scientists who have transformed human knowledge in the fields of nanoscience, neuroscience and astrophysics will receive the first Kavli Prizes, awarded by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, on 9 September, 2008 . The prize in each of the three scientific areas consists of one million dollars; each laureate also receives a gold medal and a scroll. The award ceremony takes place at Oslo Concert Hall and will be hosted by Ase Kleveland, artist and former Minister of Culture. 

The gold medal carries the portrait of Fred Kavli, the Norwegian-American engineer who initiated these new science awards. The Kavli Prize was established in 2005 as a joint venture between The Kavli Foundation, the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research and the Norwegian Academy of

Science and Letters. The Academy selects the laureates on the basis of recommendations from three international prize committees. 

The Kavli Prize Ceremony will be broadcast LIVE on the WEB on 9 September beginning at 14:00 in Oslo (GMT + 1, or 8:00 a.m. in New York). This high-quality Webcast may be viewed atwww.kavliprize.no

A short video news story about the Kavli Prize Ceremony will be available to download a few hours after the event concludes. The news segment will also be formatted for traditional television. There will be a press briefing prior to the award ceremony. 

Best regards

Anne-Marie Astad

Information Officer

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters


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