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主讲人:张宏宝 博士


主讲人简介:张宏宝,安徽舒城人,96-00年北师大物理系本科毕业,00- 03年北大物理学院硕士毕业,师从高崇寿教授。03-06年从事新世纪青少年教育实践。06-09年北师大天文系博士毕业,期间于07-09年赴加拿大蓬莱梦得理论物理研究所学习研究,师从Achim Kempf, Federico Piazza与朱宗宏教授。现为希腊克里特理论物理中心博士后,主要从事于与引力相关的理论物理研究。


Gravity has been revived in the last decade by various astrophysical experiments especially in cosmology and string inspired discovery of ads/cft correspondence. The talk will be separated into two parts.The first part involves the history of the universe, where landscape, multiverse, eternal inflation, bubble universe, baby universe, cyclic senario, dark ages, black future and so on will be addressed. The second part involves the road of unification in physics, where ads/cft will be introduced in a natural way.


时间: 2010年3月8日(星期一)16:00


地点: 理论物理所新楼6620