Our Cosmic Environment
Dr. Yin-Zhe Ma
Physics and Astronomy, UBC
Astronomy and Cosmology have been fast developing in the past several hundred years. Due to new advancing technology, people can probe our cosmic environment to a pretty high precision, and understand our cosmic evolution from the very early Big-Bang, to the formation of atoms, molecules, stars and galaxies etc…
However, these new discoveries pose new questions to our understanding of the Cosmos, for instance:
1. Can life also exist anywhere else beyond our own planet? 2. How to understand our human life in the hierarchical cosmic structures? 3. Is there any observational evidence of the Universe that beyond our own one? 4. What does cosmic inflation really predict?
马寅哲,2002-2006年毕业于南京大学物理系,2006-2008年在中国科学院理论物理研究所取得硕士学位,导师为蔡荣根研究员。2008-2011在英国剑桥大学学习并取得博士学位,导师为剑桥大学Kavli Institute for Cosmology 所长, 英国皇家学会院士George Efstathiou。主要研究方向是观测宇宙学,包括宇宙微波背景辐射,21-厘米观测,以及星系红移和速度场。他是欧洲宇航局Planck 卫星核心组成员,澳大利亚 “6度巡天项目组成员”以及加拿大21-cm 观测项目成员。
地点:理论物理研究所 新楼6420报告厅