Speaker : 薛晓川 清华大学高等研究中
Date : 2007-11-01 16:00
Venue :
ITP New Building 6420, 理论物理研究所新楼四层多媒体教室
Abstract : The classic Michaelis-Menten equation describes the catalytic activities#@for ensembles of enzyme molecules very well. But recent single-molecule#@experiments showed that the waiting time distribution and other properties#@of single enzyme molecules were not consistent with the prediction based#@on the ensemble viewpoint. They have contributed to the slow#@conformational changes of a single enzyme in the catalytic processes. In#@this work, we study the general dynamics of single enzymes in the presence#@of dynamic disorder. We find that, within the time separation regimes,#@i.e., the slow reaction and nondiffusion limits, the Michaelis-Menten#@equation holds exactly. In particular, by employing the decoupling#@approximation we demonstrate analytically that the classic#@Michaelis-Menten equation is still an excellent approximation in the#@presence of general dynamic disorder.#@#@热烈欢迎同学和老师参加讨论