Unharmonies with the Thematic melodies of Twentieth Century Physics
Speaker : 王凡 教授 南京大学
Date : 2008-05-08 16:00
Venue :
ITP New Building 6620, 理论物理研究所新楼六层报告厅
Abstract : 主讲人简介:
我国著名强子物理专家,南京大学物理系、南京大学-中科院紫金山天文台粒子-核-宇宙学中心教授,博士生导师。王凡教授在强子物理研究中做出了许多有意义的工作, 在世界上率先预言了di-delta 双重子态, 对核子自旋危机给出了新的见解。1974-1980年间和陈金全教授一起用量子力学概念和方法改造了群表示论并创造了系统的新算法,计算了群论物理应用中一系列重要结果。
Symmetry, quantization and phase are three thematic melodies of twentieth century physics (C.N. Yang). Combining symmetry and phase leads to gauge invariance. The quantization was completed in 1930's and the gauge invariance was realized in 1950's to 1960's. Therefore there are unharmonies between quantization and gauge invariance left. This talk will explain these unharmonies and their solutions.