

09/28 2021
  • Title题目 Von Neumann Lattice and Phase Space Crystals: topological bandstructure via bosonic pairing interactions
  • Speaker报告人 Lingzhen Guo(MPI for the Science of Light)
  • Date日期 9月28日 16:30
  • Venue地点 6520
  • Abstract摘要
    It was recently discovered that atoms subject to a time-periodic drive can give rise to a crystal structure in phase space. The atom-atom interactions give rise to collective phonon excitations of phase-space crystal via a pairing interaction with intrinsically complex phases that can lead to a phonon Chern insulator, accompanied by topologically robust chiral  transport along the edge of the phase-space crystal. This topological phase is realized even in  scenarios where the time-reversal transformation is a symmetry, which is surprising because the breaking of time-reversal symmetry is a strict precondition for topological chiral transport in the standard setting of real-space crystals. The phase space crystal vibrations can be mapped to the phononic excitations of lowest-Landau-level (LLL) cyclotron guiding centers. The long-range Coulomb interaction results in a topological phase transition from Chern number C=-1 to C=+2.