

10/26 2021
  • Title题目 Spherically Symmetric Scalar Hair for Charged Black Holes: a counter example of scalar no-hair theorem
  • Speaker报告人 Masaki Yamada (Tohoku University)
  • Date日期 2021年10月26日 10:00 am (Beijing Time)
  • Venue地点 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88197870922?pwd=aXppSWJiVkxHVHNrV0NVMHN3ckdmdz09 Meeting ID: 881 9787 0922 Passcode: 625021
  • Abstract摘要

      It was known that the no-hair theorem of black hole (BH) can be generalized to a system with a self-interacting complex scalar field with U(1) gauge interaction: there exists no spherically symmetric static solution of scalar field around a charged BH in an asymptotically flat spacetime. In this talk, I will explain that the proof of the theorem is not complete and there actually exists a static scalar hair for a charged BH. The scalar hair for the BH is spherically symmetric, which was missed for more than two decades despite its simplicity. I will also explain its stability against small perturbations as well as quantum tunneling process.

      Reference: 2004.03148 "Spherically Symmetric Scalar Hair for Charged Black Holes" Phys.Rev.Lett. 125 (2020) 11, 111104  


    Contact 邀请人 王少江
