

11/10 2021
  • Title题目 Distributed Control and Learning of Networked Dynamical Systems
  • Speaker报告人 Prof. Lijun CHEN (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder)
  • Date日期 2021年11月10日 10:00
  • Venue地点 https://zoom.us/j/85765002558?pwd=REovWXNaS3h1LzhRWGVXa3IzWlFRdz09
  • Abstract摘要
    Complex networked systems like the power grid, the Internet and networked self-driving vehicles consist of interconnected, active, and possibly self-interested components, operate with incomplete information and in uncertain environments, and must achieve certain network-wide objectives or collective behaviors. Problems associated with such systems are typically large, computationally hard, and require distributed solutions; yet they are also very structured and have features that can be exploited by appropriate computational methods. In this talk, I will present our work developing optimization approaches for such problems, and bringing together optimization, systems theory, and domain-specific knowledge for exploring structures of the underlying problem and leveraging them for the principled design of distributed control and learning architectures and algorithms. In particular, I will discuss how to exploit the dynamics of networked systems for real-time distributed optimization, the factorized structure of networked systems for distributed and structured learning, and the convexity of the underlying problems for robust and scalable design under limited cyber resources. I will conclude the talk with a brief discussion of a few future directions such as distributed autonomy for networked multiagent systems.

