

03/02 2022 Seminar
  • Title题目 Tensor-Network Approach to Work Statistics for 1D Quantum Lattice Systems
  • Speaker报告人 Jiayin Gu (北京大学)
  • Date日期 2022年3月2日 15:00
  • Venue地点 6420
  • Abstract摘要

     We introduce a numerical approach to calculate the statistics of work done on 1D quantum lattice systems initially prepared in thermal equilibrium states. This approach is based on two tensor-network techniques: Time Evolving Block Decimation (TEBD) and Minimally Entangled Typical Thermal States (METTS). The former is an ecient algorithm used to simulate the dynamics of 1D quantum lattice systems, while the latter a nite-temperature algorithm for generating a set of typical states representing the Gibbs canonical ensemble. As an illustrative example, we apply this approach to the Ising chain in mixed transverse and longitudinal elds. Under an arbitrary protocol, the moment generating function of the work can be obtained, from which the work moments are numerically calculated and the quantum Jarzynski equality can be tested.



    [1] Jiayin Gu, Fan Zhang, and H. T. Quan, Tensor-Network Approach to Work Statistics for 1D Quantum Lattice Systems, arXiv:2201.00806 (2022).
