

03/22 2022 Seminar
  • Title题目 On black holes and Buchdahl stars
  • Speaker报告人 Naresh Dadhich (IUCAA, Pune)
  • Date日期 2022年03月22日 11:00
  • Venue地点 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/84213344366?pwd=RjNrbStMR0dvME9raFRXK21UbUpGZz09 Meeting ID: 842 1334 4366 Passcode: 775577
  • Abstract摘要

    For a spherically symmetric spacetime, $g_{tt} = 1- 2\Phi(R)$, black hole and Buchdahl star are respectively identified by $\Phi(R) = 1/2, 4/9$. The latter is the most compact object without horizon. We would demonstrate that it mimics almost all black hole features like the maximum force, Smarr formula and the first law of black hole mechanics for charged/or rotating objects. I would also briefly touch upon some of my other recent works on how do rotating black holes form, and overspinning and/or overcharging of black holes  in higher dimensions.
