

03/17 2022 Seminar
  • Title题目 Gravitational wave scattering off spinning black holes in effective worldline theory
  • Speaker报告人 Muddu Saketh (MPI-AEI)
  • Date日期 2022年3月17日 16:00
  • Venue地点 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81282115687?pwd=cjNOQzJ3ckhLY1NmSzFaVENwM0ZRZz09 Meeting ID: 812 8211 5687 Passcode: 215813
  • Abstract摘要

    Recent advances have shown that one can extract the classical physics of black hole binaries from the scattering amplitudes of quantum fields. The quanta of the chosen quantum fields should mimic the behavior of black holes in the classical limit. However, there are ambiguities associated with both the choice of the quantum field and its coupling to gravity. These ambiguities must be resolved if the classical dynamics extracted from the scattering amplitudes are to correctly describe black holes. Previously, a gravitational Compton amplitude of a graviton scattering o ff a spinning particle was derived. This amplitude was subsequently conjectured to be identical to that of Gravitational waves scattering of Kerr black holes. In this work, we subject a spinning black hole to a gravitational wave in a classical effective worldline theory framework and derive the gravitational Compton scattering amplitude to 3rd order in spin and linear in G. We treat the black hole as a point particle equipped with spin-induced multipole moments in an EFT framework. We find that the result is consistent with the Compton derived earlier for generic spinning quanta, thus verifying the conjecture
