- Title题目 Graviton Scattering in AdS at Two Loops
- Speaker报告人 Ellis Ye Yuan (Zhejiang U.)
- Date日期 2022年3月21日 14:00
- Venue地点 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89687974433?pwd=WUVwd0dYQ0xpVGRjRG9UcTdMcGtVZz09 Meeting ID: 896 8797 4433 Passcode: 308658
I will present a preliminary result on the third-order correction in 1/N expansion to the four-point correlator of the stress tensor multiplet in N=4 super Yang—Mills theory at large ’t Hooft coupling, which corresponds to the two-loop scattering of four gravitons in the dual AdS5×S5 supergravity. This is obtained by bootstrapping an educated ansatz based on intuitions from the hidden 10-dimensionthe conformal symmetry, which I will describe in detail.