

03/29 2022 Seminar
  • Title题目 Bootstrapping Inflation: cosmological correlators with broken boosts
  • Speaker报告人 Dong-Gang Wang (Cambridge University)
  • Date日期 2022年03月29日 20:30
  • Venue地点 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/83305431422?pwd=VFZiVHh0VmJlMVlYZlpmYk1ZQ3JRdz09 Meeting ID: 833 0543 1422 Passcode: 345155
  • Abstract摘要

      Correlation functions of primordial fluctuations provide us an exciting avenue into the physics with extremely high energy in the very early Universe. Recently the bootstrap approach has offered new perspectives and powerful tools to study these cosmological correlators. In this talk, by incorporating the latest developments, I will “bootstrap” two types of correlators generated by boost-breaking interactions during inflation, which are most relevant for the next-generation observations. The first one is the contact correlators arising from higher-derivative self-interactions of the inflaton. The second is the cosmological collider physics, where the masses and spins of heavy particles leave unique imprints in the scalar bispectra. Since the boost symmetries are broken in our consideration, the signals of non-Gaussianity are boosted to be detectable for near-future experiments. Furthermore through the bootstrap approach, we derive for the first time not only a complete set of these correlators systematically, but also their full shape information analytically. 


      Contact联系人  王少江 

