

09/13 2022 Seminar
  • Title题目 Gravitational waves from axion and related searches
  • Speaker报告人 Sichun Sun (Beijing Institute of Technology)
  • Date日期 2022年9月13日 14:30
  • Venue地点 理论物理所南楼6620会议室 https://zoom.us/j/81915788839?pwd=VjRYdmtxQy85ci8wQTBpM1NKMnZsZz09 Meeting ID: 819 1578 8839 Passcode: 857693
  • Abstract摘要

      We discuss the axionic objects such as axion mini-clusters and axion clouds around spinning black holes firstly, which induce parametric resonances of electromagnetic waves through the axion-photon interaction, as well as gravitational waves through gravitational Chern-Simons (CS) coupling. We also present our recent new detection proposals for axions by using cryogenic quantum transport technology. The electric signal is enhanced by the high-quality factor of a resonant LC circuit and then amplified and detected by the state-of-the-art cryogenic electrical transport measurement technique. We demonstrate that this setup has promising sensitivity for axionic dark matter with mass below mueV, and the similar device can also be used for high frequency gravitational waves detection.


      报告人简介:孙斯纯博士, 2008年于北京大学物理学院获学士学位,2014年于美国华盛顿大学获博士学位。曾先后在加州大学圣芭芭拉分校科维理理论物理研究所,香港科技大学,台湾大学,意大利罗马第一大学及意大利核物理研究所罗马分所任职。2021年入职北京理工大学任副教授。在Living Reviews in Relativity(IF: 40.43 (2020), Phys. Rev. Lett, Phys. Rev. D, Journal of high energy physics, Phys. Lett. B 等国际知名期刊上发表文章20余篇。 2篇文章在PRL 杂志上选为编辑推荐,1篇文章被美国物理学会(APS)作为物理亮点报道 “Featured in Physics”,Google Scholar总引1000余次. 主要研究方向是粒子物理唯象学,弦理论的唯象学,宇宙学,以及一些量子场论和有效场论的运用。


      Contact联系人 王少江 
