

10/18 2022 Seminar
  • Title题目 Macroscopic Dark Matter Detection with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals
  • Speaker报告人 郭怀珂(犹他大学)
  • Date日期 2022年10月18日 14:00
  • Venue地点 理论所南楼6620 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/83039401647?pwd=c2pKYkQvaEFZNXlzdC9QK1hMVmRPQT09 Meeting ID: 830 3940 1647 Passcode: 760258
  • Abstract摘要

      Macroscopic dark matter, with the most prominent example of primordial black holes, lies at the high mass end of all dark matter candidates. In this talk, I will show that extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) are ideal systems in searches for light, in particular subsolar, compact macroscopic dark matter. I will also show that LIGO is able to detect a special class of non-standard EMRIs that we call mini-EMRIs. I will introduce the mini-EMRIs and show that they can be detected with techniques used in current searches of gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars at LIGO.




      Contact联系人  王少江