

12/16 2022 Seminar
  • Title题目 Entanglement at the Soft-Hair Horizon
  • Speaker报告人 Sayid Mondal (Chung Yuan Christian University)
  • Date日期 2022年12月16日 3:00pm-4:00pm
  • Venue地点 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86040233618?pwd=aDhqZENDVHROb3Z4U3c5TWNCcTRIZz09 Zoom:860 4023 3618 Password:540452
  • Abstract摘要
    We study entanglement between two modes of a free bosonic and fermionic field as seen by two accelerating observers at the soft-hair horizon of a four-dimensional supertranslated Schwarzschild black hole. We compute mutual information and entanglement negativity as a measure of entanglement between these two observers and show that their angular dependence at the soft-hair horizon. We also show that for vanishing soft hair function our results are equal to that of an ordinary Schwarzschild black hole case.

      Bio 报告人简介:Sayid Mondal got his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) under the guidance of Prof. Gautam Sengupta. Sayid is currently a postdoc at the Department of Physics Chung Yuan Christian University. Sayids research interests cover the region of quantum field theory, conformal field theory, general relativity, string theory, quantum information theory.

