- Title题目 The black hole interior from non-isometric codes and complexity
- Speaker报告人 Chris Akers (MIT)
- Date日期 2023年1月5日 10:00am-11:00am
- Venue地点 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87977694306?pwd=T0srMktSZWtEK082clRjbVNReDlDZz09 Zoom:879 7769 4306 Password:331372
Quantum error correction has given us a natural language for the emergence of spacetime, but the black hole interior poses a challenge for this framework: at late times the apparent number of interior degrees of freedom in effective field theory can vastly exceed the true number of fundamental degrees of freedom, so there can be no isometric (i.e. inner-product preserving) encoding of the former into the latter. I will explain how quantum error correction nonetheless can be used to explain the emergence of the black hole interior, via the idea of “non-isometric codes protected by computational complexity”.
报告人简介:Chris Akers is currently a postdoc at MIT, working at the intersection of quantum gravity and quantum information theory.