

04/10 2023 Seminar
  • Title题目 The Application of Phase and Phase Transition in Quantum Fields in New Physics: From Asymptotic Safety to Gravitational Waves
  • Speaker报告人 王志伟 (电子科技大学)
  • Date日期 2023年4月10日 16:00
  • Venue地点 南楼6420报告厅
  • Abstract摘要
    Phases of quantum field theory (QFT) is a core concept to unify many deep problems in beyond the Standard Model (BSM) new physics. In this talk, I will select two interesting phases: the ultraviolet (UV) conformal phase and the infrared (IR) confinement/deconfinement phase. The UV conformal phase known as asymptotic safety is one of the very few solutions to realize UV completion within the framework of QFT. By using the large number-of-flavour (1/Nf) expansion, the Standard Model achieves an interacting UV fixed point, addressing the famous UV Landau Pole issue. Applying renormalization group flow as a bridge to connect UV fixed point and IR physics provides constraints on the BSM physics. In the IR, the confinement/deconfinement phase transition offers a unique possibility to generate gravitational wave signature to constrain strongly coupled dark matter. We go beyond the state-of-the-art by combining first principal lattice results and effective field theory approaches as Polyakov Loop model to explore this possibility. We find the future Big Bang Observer and DECIGO experiment have a higher chance to detect the gravitational wave signals.
    邀请人: 杨金民 研究员