

06/09 2023 Seminar
  • Title题目 氘核中子反应截面的法捷耶夫方程理论计算
  • Speaker报告人 庞丹阳 (北京航空航天大学物理学院)
  • Date日期 2023年6月9日 9:30
  • Venue地点 北楼322
  • Abstract摘要
    Cross sections of neutron induced nuclear reactions on light targets are important nuclear data. The nucleon induced nuclear reaction data on deuterium compiled in the current Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (CENDL) library were limited up to incident energies of 20 MeV and were calculated with s-wave separable nucleon-nucleon interactions only. In this talk, we present our recent results of the elastic scattering and breakup reaction cross sections for the n+d three nucleon system by solving the Faddeev-AGS equations using the realistic Nijmegen nucleon-nucleon interaction. Comparisons will be made with results in nuclear libraries such as CENDL-3.2, ENDF/B-VIII, JENDL-5 and JEFF-3.3.

    Dr. Dan-Yang Pang is currently a Professor of School of Physics, Beihang University (BUAA). He received his PhD in Physics from Peking University in 2007. After that, he held positions as Postdoctor in GANIL and Peking University, before he joined BUAA in 2011. His current research efforts focus on few-body nuclear reactions, direct nuclear reaction, and their applications in studies of nuclear structure and key nuclear reactions in nuclear astrophysics.

    周善贵    研究员