

08/08 2023 Seminar
  • Title题目 Quark model with hidden local symmetry and its application to the hadron spectrum
  • Speaker报告人 何秉然 (南京师范大学)
  • Date日期 2023年8月8日 14:30
  • Venue地点 北楼 322
  • Abstract摘要
    We propose a chiral quark model that incorporates vector mesons and apply it to the study of the hadron spectrum. We consider the contributions of vector mesons within the framework of hidden local symmetry. Our results demonstrate a significant improvement in the masses of ground state baryons, including the nucleon, $\Lambda_c$, and $\Lambda_b$. We successfully reproduce the masses of all 45 experimentally confirmed ground states of mesons and baryons. Furthermore, our predictions for 21 ground states align well with the results obtained from lattice QCD analyses. This work represents the first successful achievement of all 45+21 ground states of mesons and baryons using a single set of parameters.

    何秉然, 2005-2009,河南师范大学,学士,2010-2016,日本名古屋大学,硕士、博士,2016至今,南京师范大学,讲师、副教授

    邹冰松 研究员