

08/31 2023 Seminar
  • Title题目 A Possible Conformal Field Theory of Two-dimensional Turbulence
  • Speaker报告人 于小泉 (中国工程物理研究院研究生院)
  • Date日期 2023年8月31日 14:00
  • Venue地点 南楼6620
  • Abstract摘要
    Fluid turbulence happens at scales ranging from a water tub and a geographical storm to the size of a galaxy. Although the underlying hydrodynamic equation, i.e., the Navier-Stokes equation, has been known for over a century, many fundamental questions on turbulence remain unresolved. In the fully developed homogeneous turbulence, there is a scale range called the inertial range, in which the statistically stationary turbulence forms a self-similar steady flow. Two-dimensional, fully developed turbulence may possess the largest possible symmetry, the conformal symmetry. We  propose a conformal field theory in the classical limit c→- for the direct enstrophy cascade and a c = 0 boundary logarithmic conformal field theory for the inverse energy cascade.   We show that the proposed theory gives rise to the right energy spectrum E(k):  Kraichnan-Batchelor scaling E(k)~k^3 for the direct enstrophy cascade and Kolmogorov-Kraichnan scaling E(k) ~ k^-5/3 for the inverse energy cascade. 


    Xiaoquan Yu(于小泉) is an assistant professor at Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics (GSCAEP). He obtained his PhD in theoretical physics in 2012 from SISSA.  From 2013-2015 he conducted postdoctoral research at New Zealand institute for advanced study. He started to work at the physics department of the University of Otago as a research fellow in 2015. In 2019 he joined GSCAEP. His research focuses on quantum fluids, vortex dynamcis, turbulence and disordered quantum systems. 


    田矗舜  研究员

