

10/19 2023 Seminar
  • Title题目 Configuration Interaction Shell Model and the Study on Nuclear Structure and Decay Properties
  • Speaker报告人 袁岑溪 (中山大学)
  • Date日期 2023年10月19日 15:30
  • Venue地点 北楼202
  • Abstract摘要
     The atomic nucleus is a quantum many-body system governed by the residual strong interaction, namely the nuclear force. Understanding its structure and decay properties requires the development of interaction and many-body models. Specifically, we need to study the strength of the nuclear force in a finite and in-medium nucleus and how to incorporate the most essential many-body correlations. Various nuclear structure models have thus been proposed. This report will first introduce the Configuration Interaction Shell Model based on phenomenological nuclear forces. It will then present my research, along with collaborators, on nuclear structure and decay properties using this model, including: establishing effective interactions to explain the properties of new isotopes and new isomeric states; exploring intruder states and isospin symmetry breaking resulting from cross-shell excitations and weakly-bound effects; integrating decay models and statistical methods for the research on (two) proton, neutron, -cluster emissions, as well as applications in nuclear safety. Finally, we will try to discuss the further development of the Configuration Interaction Shell Model, optimizing the isovector part of the nuclear force for describing medium-heavy nuclear regions with a unified phenomenological nuclear force, and trying to break through the exponential wall of quantum many-body systems based on physical correlations.






    周善贵 研究员
