

11/01 2023 Seminar
  • Title题目 Many-Body Dynamical Localization and Effective Thermalization of a Kicked Bose Gas
  • Speaker报告人 Prof. Adam Rancon-Schweiger (Université de Lille)
  • Date日期 2023年11月1日 14:30-16:30
  • Venue地点 南楼6520
  • Abstract摘要
     Dynamical localization is the quantum chaos analog of the Anderson localization of disordered systems, but in momentum space, as observed in the atomic quantum kicked rotor. Interactions tend to destroy (Anderson) localization, but strong enough disorder give rise to Many-Body Localization (MBL). Whether interactions destroy dynamical localization or not is addressed here.
    We discuss the effect of interactions on a one-dimensional kicked Bose gas in the strong interaction limit (Tonks regime), and show that dynamical localization is not destroyed by the interactions, in the sense that the energy of the system stays finite at long times.
    We show that this steady-state is ergodic, i.e. described by a thermal density matrix, with an effective temperature that depends on the kicking parameters and the number of particles. The one-body reduced density matrix of the gas decays exponentially at large distance, implying absence of coherence, while the momentum distribution's tail at large momenta is characterized by an effectively thermal Tan contact.
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