

11/06 2023 Seminar
  • Title题目 Spin squeezing and Bell correlations with ultra-cold atoms in one-dimensional optical lattice
  • Speaker报告人 Emilia Witkowska (波兰科学院物理研究所)
  • Date日期 2023年11月6日 10:30-11:30
  • Venue地点 南楼6420
  • Abstract摘要
    The second Quantum Revolution’s main objective lies in multipartite entangled states: their production, storage, certification, and application. Such states, i.e., many-body entangled and many-body Bell correlated states, are essential resources for quantum-based technologies and quantum-enhancement metrology. As such, a general protocol allowing the controlled generation of such states is an extensive research direction in modern quantum science. Spin squeezing represents such a protocol.
    I will discuss methods to obtain scalable spin squeezing in isotropic Heisenberg spin chains. Such spin-squeezed atomic crystal can be obtained using either bosonic or fermionic ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. It can be implemented in the Ramsey-type spectroscopy scheme. I will show how the addition of spin-flip coupling induces effective interactions among individual spins allowing the production of scalable spin squeezing [1]. In this scheme the boundary conditions are important and I will discuss the influence of them on the squeezing dynamics [2]. I show how to quantify the level of many-body Bell correlations generated in the systems [3, 4]. The schemes could be directly implemented experimentally with state-of-the-art techniques.


    [1] One- and two-axis squeezing via laser coupling in an atomic Fermi-Hubbard model T. Hern ndez Yanes, M. Plodzie , M. Mackoit Sinkeviciene, G. Zlabys, G. Juzeli nas, E. Witkowska, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 090403 (2022).

    [2] Spin squeezing in open Heisenberg spin chains T. Hern ndez Yanes, Giedrius Zlabys, Marcin Plodzie , Domantas Burba, Mazena Mackoit Sinkeviciene, Emilia Witkowska, Gediminas Juzeli nas, Phys. Rev. B 108, 104301 (2023)

    [3] One-axis twisting as a method of generating many-body Bell correlations, Marcin Plodzie , Maciej Lewenstein, Emilia Witkowska, Jan Chwede czuk, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 250402 (2022)

    [4] Generation of scalable many-body Bell correlations in spin chains with short-range two-body interactions, Marcin Plodzie , Tomasz Wasak, Emilia Witkowska, Maciej Lewenstein, Jan Chwede czuk, arXiv:2306.06173


    易俗  研究员
