

12/20 2023 Colloquium
  • Title题目 ABJM theory: the First Fifteen Years
  • Speaker报告人 吴俊宝 (Tianjin University)
  • Date日期 2023年12月20日 10:00-11:00
  • Venue地点 理论物理所南楼6620
  • Abstract摘要
    There are five consistent string theories at the perturbative level. Later, it was discovered that they are related through various dualities. There is another corner in this duality web. That is the M-theory (in the narrow sence). There are two kinds of stable branes in M-theory: M2-branes and M5-branes. Study of low energy effect theories of multi-membranes are important problem since the establishment of M-theory. In 2008, Ahanory, Bergman, Jafferis and Maldacena made important contribution on this problem. They constructed a three-dimensional N=6 Chern-Simons-matter theory and give strong evidence that this theory is just the low energy effect theory of mutli-membranes. In the last fifteen years, there have been many progresses in the study of this theory. In the talk, I will review some progress, focusing on BPS Wilson loops and integrable structure. Construction of various BPS Wilson loops will be reviewed. And features of integrable structure will be discussed. I will also show how Wilson loop can be used to make progress on an important problem about integrability of planar ABJM theory. Some unsolved problems including ones in general three-dimensional super-Chern-Simons theories will be discussed.

    杨刚 研究员