

12/21 2023 Soft Matter and Biophysics Seminar
  • Title题目 Rational design of functional disordered hyperuniform materials
  • Speaker报告人 Duyu Chen (UCSB)
  • Date日期 2023年12月21日 10:00-11:00
  • Venue地点 Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84984757257?pwd=8SzNyfUvK9OvCueeQbLJE3Qvf8cXZI.1 会议号: 849 8475 7257 密码: 123456
  • Abstract摘要
    Disordered hyperuniform systems are recently discovered exotic states of matter that completely suppress (normalized) large-scale density fluctuations like crystals, even though they are isotropic and lack conventional long-range order. The unique structural features of these systems endow such systems with desirable physical properties that cannot be achieved in either ordinary disordered or perfectly crystalline states. In this talk, I will cover three streams of our research on the rational design of functional disordered hyperuniform materials: 1) Inverse design of disordered hyperuniform two-phase materials with novel physical properties; 2) Emergence of disordered hyperuniformity in melts of linear diblock 
    copolymers; and 3) Discovery of disordered hyperuniform quantum materials.

    Dr. Duyu Chen is currently a postdoctoral research scientist in the Materials Research Laboratory at University of California, Santa Barbara advised by Prof. Glenn H. Fredrickson. Prior to this, he earned his Ph.D. in chemistry from Princeton University in 2018 working with Prof. Salvatore Torquato, and was mainly trained as a soft-matter theorist. He received his B.S. in chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China in 2012, and also holds a M.S. in Business Technologies from Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. The main focus of Dr. Chens research is to uncover guiding principles that dictate the formation of structural patterns with exotic correlated disorder in complex softmatter systems, and establish novel structure-property relationships that enable the engineering of disorder for new functional materials, using theoretical machinery from statistical mechanics and heterogeneous materials in conjunction with particle-based and field-based simulations, and data-driven models empowered by state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.

    孟凡龙  研究员
