- Title题目 Pulsar Polarization Arrays
- Speaker报告人 任婧(中国科学院高能物理研究所)
- Date日期 2024年01月09日(周二)14:30pm-16:00pm
- Venue地点 线下: 理论所南楼6620 线上: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/H1LDKjSt9A8V 腾讯会议: 575-229-192
Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) consisting of widely distributed and well-timed millisecond pulsars can serve as a galactic-scale detector to measure gravitational waves. With the same data acquired for PTAs, we propose to develop pulsar polarization arrays (PPAs), to explore astrophysics and fundamental physics. As in the case of PTAs, PPAs are best suited to reveal temporal and spatial correlations at large scales that are hard to mimic by local noise. To demonstrate the physical potential of PPAs, we consider detection of ultralight axionlike dark matter (ALDM), through cosmic birefringence induced by its Chern-Simons coupling. Because of its tiny mass, the ultralight ALDM can be generated as a Bose-Einstein condensate, characterized by a strong wave nature. Incorporating both temporal and spatial correlations of the signal, we show that the projected PPA limits on ALDM form a great complementarity with the existing bounds.
王少江 副研究员