

05/27 2024 Seminar
  • Title题目 Three-Higgs-doublet models: from symmetries to phenomenology
  • Speaker报告人 Igor Ivanov (中山大学珠海分校)
  • Date日期 2024年5月27日 15:00
  • Venue地点 北楼322
  • Abstract摘要

    The simple idea of generations in the Higgs sector leads to numerous model-building opportunities and rich phenomenology unavailable in the Standard Model. In particular, the multi-Higgs-doublet sector and the Yukawa interactions can be shaped by additional global symmetries, and one often observes direct phenomenological and cosmological consequences linked to each symmetry group or its breaking. The two-Higgs-doublet model, 2HDM, remains a very popular bSM playground, but due to its limited list of options for model building, many authors turn to exploration of the 3HDMs. In this talk, I will give an overview of the symmetry options available within the 3HDM and highlight specific examples of characteristic phenomenology and cosmological phase transitions induced by some of these symmetries.


    Igor Ivanov,男,比利时籍,出生于俄罗斯堪察加。博士期间主要研究高能电子-质子碰撞中的强子衍射问题。结合QCD和电弱物理,在2006年开始发展一种创新的几何方法来处理一般的双希格斯模型,并用它来解决传统方法很难处理的问题。获得了2009年俄罗斯联合核子中心( JINR) 颁发的青年科学家波戈留博夫奖。与合作者一起为三希格斯模型发展了一套丰富的理论工具箱,包括代数、几何和群论方法。这些工作得到了同行的高度赞赏,有多篇相关论文引用超过100次,其中包括一篇综述文章。从2011年开始研究涡旋粒子问题,是第一批研究非零角动量粒子碰撞问题的学者之一。这方面的研究涉及粒子物理、原子物理、电动力学和光学,相关成果发表在多篇 PRL 论文和一篇合作的Phys. Rept上。


    于江浩 研究员
