

06/13 2024 Seminar
  • Title题目 Traversable wormholes, quantum teleportation and quantum gravity
  • Speaker报告人 高苹 (罗格斯大学)
  • Date日期 2024年6月13日 10:00
  • Venue地点 南楼6620
  • Abstract摘要

    Quantum gravity has a deep connection with large scale quantum entanglement and quantum information. In this talk, I will review their relation in the context of holographic duality. In particular, I will explain how traversable wormholes emerge in the background of two highly entangled black holes. This nontrivial spacetime geometry turns out to be dual to many-body quantum teleportation in the boundary dual system, which opens a door to simulate quantum gravity in terms of quantum computer and quantum information algorithms. I will also discuss recent developments along this direction and challenges to simulate quantum gravity on a near-term quantum computer.


    Dr. Ping Gao is currently a postdoc at NHETC of Rutgers University. He received PhD from Harvard University in 2019 before joined MIT as a postdoc for 2019-2023. His main interest of research includes quantum gravity, AdS/CFT, quantum chaos, random matrix theory, SYK model, effective field theory and their intersection with quantum information.


    吴洁强 副研究员
