- Title题目 奇奇核152Eu中的多重八极关联效应
- Speaker报告人 刘晨 (山东大学)
- Date日期 2024年7月9日 14:30
- Venue地点 北楼322
High-spin states in 152Eu have been studied using the 150Nd (7Li, 5n) reaction at a beam energy of 42 MeV. Five rotational bands together with several strong electric dipole transitions linking the positive- and negative-parity bands have been identified and interpreted as multiple octupole correlation effects originating from the octupole interactions between valence protons and valence neutrons respectively. The coexistence and interaction of octupole correlation effects caused by the interaction of valence protons and valence neutrons are discussed.
陆晓 博士