


(会议) Mini-workshop on “Modern Nuclear Many-body Problem”

文章来源: 发布时间: 2018-05-22 【字体:      

Mini-workshop on “Modern Nuclear Many-body Problem”

May 22-24, Beijing


May 22 Arrival & registration


May 23 (morning) Discussions


May 23 (afternoon) Conf. Room 6520, ITP new building


14:00    Opening

Chair:    Guang-Xiong Peng (彭光雄), Univ. CAS

14:05    Umberto Lombardo, Univ. Catania & INFN-LNS

Interplay between spin-triplet and spin-singlet pairing

14:45    Discussion


15:00    Kun Wang (王琨), Inst. Theoretical Phys., CAS

Triangle polarization in C isotopes from a projected multidimensionally constrained relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model

15:30    Discussion


15:40    Coffee break


Chair:    Cai-Wan Shen (沈彩万), Huzhou Univ.

16:00    Wei Zuo (左维), Inst. Modern Phys., CAS

Asymmetric nuclear matter within BHF approach

16:40    Discussion


16:55    Xiang-Xiang Sun (孙向向), Inst. Theoretical Phys., CAS

Shrinked halo and quenched shell gap atN= 16 in22C: Inversion ofsdstates and deformation effects

17:25    Discussion


17:35    End


May 24 Departure

