

08/27 2024 Seminar
  • Title题目 A Fermi gas of microwave-shielded polar molecules
  • Speaker报告人 罗鑫宇/Xin-Yu Luo (马普量子光学研究所)
  • Date日期 2024年8月27日 10:00
  • Venue地点 南楼6620
  • Abstract摘要

    Microwave-shielding has proven to be a powerful technique for producing degenerate quantum gases of polar molecules as well as assembling ultracold polyatomic molecules. Here, I will review our efforts in controlling the interactions of ultracold molecules using microwave fields, enabling us to stabilize the molecular gases and evaporate them to temperatures well below the Fermi temperature. The shape, symmetry, and depth of the intermolecular potential can be flexibly controlled by the polarization, strength, and frequency of the microwave field. This is a unique feature of microwave-shielded polar molecules that is distinguished from ultracold atoms. It allows us to observe field-linked resonances in collisions of polar molecules, providing a universal tool for independently controlling the dipolar and contact interactions of molecules, as well as creating exotic long-range tetratomic molecules. In the end, I will discuss the perspectives of a p-wave superfluid of dimers and its crossover to a Bose-Einstein condensate of tetramers.


    Xin-Yu Luo is an independent research group leader at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics. He has been focusing on experiments of quantum manipulation and precision measurements with ultracold atoms and polar molecules. His current research interest is to understand and control the collisions of ultracold polar molecules and, subsequently, investigate strongly interacting dipolar quantum many-body systems.


    石弢 研究员
